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Elevating Industry Standards Through Enhanced Capacity and Factory Management

In an industry that demands consistent evolution, we commit time and resources to support our suppliers in improving their factory working conditions, aligning them with the dynamic expectations of the market.


Building Capability

Our focus extends beyond simply improving working conditions - we strive to enhance overall factory management. We aid our factory partners in raising their compliance standards, fostering the integration of social and environmental best practices into their everyday operations.


In the event of non-compliance, we require factories to adhere to our corrective action plan, which prescribes timelines based on the severity of the issue. This allows for systematic and timely rectification of compliance lapses.


The Five-Step Plan

We adopt a proactive approach to supplier compliance, offering them a strategic five-step plan to attain and maintain the compliance standards we require from all our partners.


Our team personally evaluates each supplier to ensure they meet our stringent standards.

Corrective Action Plan

If necessary, our Compliance team devises a comprehensive action plan with prescribed deadlines to address identified issues.

Risk Measurement

Suppliers are granted reasonable timeframes to mitigate risks and rectify non-compliance issues.

Actions & Improvements

Suppliers enact the prescribed measures according to the provided plan, facilitating targeted improvements.

Capability Building
or Training

Suppliers enact the prescribed measures according to the provided plan, facilitating targeted improvements.

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